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Growth Area 4: Holme Wood

A map showing Holme Wood as described by the text below

In Holme Wood, community, opportunity, and safety come first. 

Bringing existing and new communities together by significantly enhancing the current centre and key routes in Holme Wood and through the community-led reinvigoration of disused spaces will create a new Holme Wood that successfully integrates new urban extensions. 

Delivering an urban environment that maximises permeability and connectivity to key services and Bradford more widely and ensuring opportunities for all to prosper. 

Creating an expanded urban environment people feel safe in, that is inclusive and where well-designed spaces foster positive interaction and encourage the coming together of all members of the community, both new and old. 


  • Delivering new homes and services in location close to key road connections
  • Integrating with existing Holme Wood estate through infill developments alongside urban extensions 
  • Carried out in tandem with interventions across Holme Wood to maximise the benefit to all
  • Creating a new identity for Holme Wood
  • Community-driven transformation
  • Creating a highly permeable, walkable and cyclable neighbourhood close to key future public transport access points

The proposed interventions as set out are indicative only. There is no funding commitment at this stage to deliver the vision. If the proposals are supported by stakeholders, a more detailed delivery plan would be considered as funding opportunities arise.