CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Character Area 4 – Bradford Beck Ecology Park
Bradford Beck Ecology Park could become an attractive, publicly accessible destination which provides enhanced open space close to Shipley town centre. The Character Area will support the development of housing which complements the ecology park through careful siting and design, and a focus on sustainability.
- Creation of a new Ecology Park - This will be within 300m of Market Square, meaning that with accompanying connectivity improvements the park will be easily accessible from the heart of the town centre. It will also help to draw people to the eastern part of Shipley, activating what is currently an underused part of the town. The Ecology Park will be subject to detailed design and feasibility studies to ensure that it is deliverable and to promote the best practice in sustainability. It will be designed to provide a mix of spaces to improve biodiversity and for the public to enjoy the green space.
- Providing housing opportunities - Opportunity sites within the Character Area have the potential to accommodate new dwellings along Crag Road. A range of tenures, including affordable housing will be encouraged. This will also consider making improvements to the existing social housing in the area. Complementary uses will also be encouraged where they add to the visitor experience of the Ecology Park, especially around the proposed connection to the station (for example, small convenience retail/ leisure uses).
- Restoring the Carnegie Library - The Carnegie Library has important heritage value and should be sensitively restored.
The proposed interventions as set out are indicative only. There is no funding commitment at this stage to deliver the vision. If the proposals are supported by stakeholders, a more detailed delivery plan would be considered as funding opportunities arise.